Why We Serve
Economic uncertainties and drug abuse are among the primary issues straining families in rural America. As a result, more children are living in tenuous circumstances, which necessitates removal from their birth families and placement into Foster Care. On average, 126 children are removed each week from homes in Georgia by the Division of Family & Children Services because of neglect, abuse, addiction and more. The current number of Foster Care families is insufficient to accommodate this influx of children. Sometimes children are removed from their birth parents for their safety before a foster home is identified. In addition, foster parenting is a demanding job, which often strains family dynamics. Unfortunately, many loving, trained foster parents burnout. It is estimated 30% to 50% of Foster Care families leave the system from burnout, which adds additional stress to the system. These children, and their foster parents, need our help.
By the Numbers
foster children in the state of Georgia as of July 2020. That is a 57% increase from 2013.
children on average, enter the Georgia foster care system every day.
foster children and youth will live in hotels on any given night because there are no homes to receive them.
of the children entering foster care do so because of neglect, parental substance abuse and/or physical abuse.
of foster parents leave after the first year, however when supported by a care community, the number drops to less than 10%.
30 - 40
are supported by the Rabun County foster care system at any given time. Some children are relocated to other counties, hindering family visitation and reunification.